Monday, March 1, 2010

101 in 1001

One of the reasons I wanted to start this blog was to have a place to keep track of my 101 in 1001 goals. I had it on the fridge, but felt a little weird about people who visit our house seeing it. Someone (maybe Eric McCauley??) once told a long story about visiting someone's house where they had goals on the fridge, and how weird they thought it was. So, I don't want to be THAT guy. A lot of these goals are Boston focused, so I may have to update some once we figure out where we are moving.

101 Goals in 1001 Days (26 May 09 – 21 Feb 12)
 Places to Visit
1.       Boston things
a.       New England Ski trip
b.       New Hampshire/Vermont in fall Oct09
c.        Boston MFA
d.       Boston Harbor Islands
e.        Cape Cod in Summer July09
f.         Northern Beaches in Summer
g.        Arboretum
h.       ICA
i.         Harpoon Brewery
j.         Sam Adams Brewery
k.        Walden Pond
l.         Nantucket with TD
m.      Boston Public Library July09
2.       Everglades
3.       Machu Picchu
4.       Amazon
5.       NYC with TJD Oct09
6.       Girls trip with Abby & Mom
7.       Camping trip with James
8.       Weekend at Aunt Lisa’s Nov09
9.       Utah
10.    Trip with Carolyn and Brian
11.    Get eyebrows professionally done
12.    Maintain 125 lbs weight
13.    Lift weights 2x/week for 2 months
14.    Do 1 month of the Shred
15.    7 day master cleanse
16.    Take a daily vitamin in progress
17.    Floss daily
18.    Whiten teeth
19.    Run half marathon
20.    Complete bike race
21.    Wear sunscreen daily in progress
Skills to learn
22.    Attend premarriage counseling
23.    Take spanish class fall09
24.    Photography class
25.    Learn to drive a manual car
26.    Play tennis with TD
27.    Harvard Extension class fall09
28.    Bayesian methods in Ecology class Aug09
29.    Dog obedience class
30.    Try 50 new wines & log in wine journal (4 of 50)
31.    Read 10 non fiction books
a.       Genuine happiness
b.       Lifting a ton of feathers
c.        Speciation
d.       Speciation in Birds
e.        Getting to 50/50
f.         Inferring phylogenies
g.        Species diversity in space & time
h.       In defense of food
i.         Omnivores dilemma
j.         Zinn’s people’s history of the US
32.    Read 10 fiction books
a.       Wind up bird chronicles
b.       Crying of Lot 49
c.        Lolita
d.       Age of innocence
e.        Infinite Jest
f.         Brother’s Karamazov
g.        Persuasion
h.       The satanic verses
i.         War and Peace
j.         Aeneid
33.    Watch AFI top 100 films (17/100)
34.    Host dinner party 1x per quarter (3 of 15)
35.    Try a new bar each month (8 of 33)
36.    Try a new drink/beer each month (12 of 33)
37.    See Tracy, Kate and Joy 1x per year 2009
Things to own
38.    Flat screen TV
39.    Buy more quality clothes
40.    Comfortable/orthotic sandals
41.    Better vacuum (dyson)
42.    Buy one new book a month (10 of 33)
43.    Buy one new album a month (8 of 33)
Financial milestones
44.    Develop and stick to family budget
45.    Make wills for TJD and me
46.    Make sure beneficiaries are updated
47.    Advance Healthcare directive for TJD and SEC
48.    Continue to put 20% in 403b
49.    Continue to put $5000 (max) in Roth
50.    $12,000 in personal emergency fund
51.    Have monthly finance night with TD (6 of 30)
52.    Start family savings fund 5% salary
53.    Start college savings fund 5% salary
54.    Sell condo
55.    Save $70,000 for down payment
56.    Family cell phone plan with TD
57.    Adopt a family each Christmas 2009
58.    Donate clothes 2x per year (1 of 6)
59.    Find a volunteer job
60.    NPR membership each year 2009
New things to do
61.    Make new recipe out of Gourmet (RIP) archive each month (3 of 33)
62.    Red Sox game
63.    Celtics Game Oct2009
64.    Bruins game
65.    Harvard Athletics Game
66.    Ride bikes to Concord
67.    Monthly Date night (3 of 22)
68.    Attend classical concert
69.    Restaurants 1 nice dinner/month
a.       Hungry Mother
b.       Helmand
c.        B&G Oysters Nov09
d.       Neptune Oyster
e.        No 9 Park
f.         Wollensky and Smith
g.        Ruth Chris
h.       L’Espalier
i.         TW Food Nov09
j.         Uni
k.        Cuchi cuchi
l.         Sorellina july09
70.    Attend play or dance performance
71.    Take Jack and Grant on camping trip
72.    Host Diane for a visit to Boston
73.    Make photo book each year
74.    Make nice wedding album
75.    Wedding album for parents x2 + M&P
Risks to Take
76.    Go mountain biking with TD
77.    Go Salsa dancing with TD
78.    Go two-step dancing with TD
79.    Get Married!!!
80.    Get a dog
81.    Change name
82.    Do weekly electronic sabbatical w/ TJD
83.    Make a new friend
84.    Join/organize a book group
85.    Major cooking project with AYK sausage 2010
86.    Apply for Full NSF grant
87.    Apply for Mexus fellowship
88.    Apply for jobs in Austin
89.    Prepare job package with statements
90.    Have someone review job package with statements
91.    Become familiar with Unix (cluster)
92.    Use R for statistical analyses
93.    Learn Python or other program
94.    Publish Gnyps paper
95.    Publish mtops paper
96.    Publish snail paper
97.    Publish Yosemite paper
98.    Publish Chipmunk
99.    Publish Carpentaria paper
100.Publish NA paleo paper
101.Publish Sri Lanka modeling paper

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